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Requirements for members


As a member you are required to attend a minimum of once a week, or as often as fulltime, and you need to do that on set days each week and month ongoing, to maintain membership. This is necessary to fill all spots and to secure a regular schedule for all members. 

If you can't attend on one of those days, you can use that day on another day that same month, or if necessary, the following month, as long as it doesn't replace your regularly scheduled day, and as long as we have space. No drop-in available. 

Attending other daycares and possibly exposing the pack to a virus or pest going around town, and bringing it into the daycare is something we try to avoid. Dogs on a raw diet can have negative effects on our pack, so no raw food diets allowed. It encourages Crophaghia.


Our requirements mandate that for the health and safety of our guests, all dogs must have up-to-date records for all vaccinations listed – no exceptions. We do not accept home vaccinations or titer tests in lieu of vaccinations for any pets. Vaccinations must be administered at least 72 hours prior to arrival under the guidance of a licensed veterinarian. We prefer that vaccinations be administered 10 days prior to check-in for boarding and 3 days for attending daycare.



Not training your dog could be reason for cancellation of membership, and no refund will be given. Aggression in the dog will be grounds for dismissal of daycare and no refund will be given. Calm assertive energy only. 


Treat training behavioral issues will only compound issues and will work against the pack training here at daycare, as we don't treat train here and expect commands be followed without any bribes.

Treat training for obedience works great, but treat training to gain leadership and calming unstable energy will only result in dogs only listening if treats are available, and ignores the issue at hand. It does nothing to establish calm leadership and control. If this training advice is ignored, this daycare might not be for you.


Unaltered dogs over the age of 8 months old will not qualify for membership. Male pups that start daycare early in their puppy stage can be unaltered, but when the humping starts, he will need to take a break and get altered to maintain his membership.

Damage to daycare property will be at the dog owner's expense. This includes boarding dogs and board & train dogs. 



If your dog is sick and needs to miss a day or more of daycare, we need to be notified, in order to roll your missed days. We ask that you use up your rolled days within the same month, if possible, but can be flexible.


If your dog is suffering from diarrhea, or throwing up, please keep him or her home. Dog should be free of these symptoms for 2 days before coming back to the pack. By maintaining a good diet, and only giving your dog good dog food, you will lessen the chance of tummy upset. Raw pumpkin can help get the tummy back to feeling good, and ending the mess. 



Your dog needs to be clean and free of knots and should smell clean. My home is open to all members, so lets make sure its a comfy and inviting place. To protect the dogs, as well as the furniture and floors in my home, please keep up with the grooming of your dogs nails. If I find the dog is overdue, I can refuse daycare for that dog until the nails are done, and no refund will be offered. 


Members monthly invoice needs to be paid by the end of each month. Failure to pay your invoice on time each month might result in days used that month, be charged at 'trial' rate until payment is received or membership is cancelled. Constant late payment can be cause for dismissal. Credit card transactions can take up to 3 days to arrive on account, and when a weekend is involved, it could take even longer. This constitutes a late payment. CC payments need to be made by the 28th to avoid late fees.



DHPP-**L ~ Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, Parvovirus.  **Leptospirosis.

Bordetella ~ Required every 12 months. Intra-nasal is only given once a year, but the injection needs a boost the following month.  Please note, many veterinarians administer this vaccine only by request.

Rabies*** ~ One- or three-year vaccine required depending on the age of the dog.  Rabies per local ordinance


De worming is usually given by vet, but please check to ensure your puppy has been dewormed. New products on the market doing more to cover this issue is now available. Roundworm is now treated with 'Interceptor', as the vets are finding that the regular 'Strongid' is not killing off the Roundworm. Make sure your deworming meds are up to date with the hardy roundworm making a lot of dogs sick here on the lower mainland this year (2022).  

A Flea and worm treatment program is required at our daycare as an outbreak of fleas would cause us to have to close down our space. I'm proud to say that in 14 years we have never had one. Let's keep it that way. 

Please pay special attention to the health of your dog before boarding or using daycare and make sure he/she is healthy and free from the following: Kennel cough, Fleas, Lice or any external parasites/Internal parasites. Parvo, Rabies, Distemper or any other contagious disease. Eye infection, runny nose, vomiting or diarrhea, or bloated belly in pups, which could potentially be worms,  or worse... fatal.


As the health and safety of all of our pack members is of the utmost importance to us, we reserve the right to refuse any dog at our discretion if we feel that these conditions are not met.


Who may attend?

  • Dogs that are under 70 lbs. as of January 2023

  • Dogs that attend on a regular schedule and attend at least once a week, consistently

  • Dogs that are healthy and free of any cold, flu or upset stomach. No diarrhea

  • Dogs that are active members of Doggy Doolil Daycare (See policies page)

  • Dogs that are at least 3 months of age, and with at least 2 sets of shots

  • Grown dogs who have been somewhat socialized with other dogs and are not of the "bully breed" classification* or wolves/wolf hybrid

  • Dogs who are in good health and on a flea treatment (no fleas, ticks, worms or contagious illnesses)

  • Dogs that have some basic training

  • Dogs that are groomed and has smooth and short clipped nails, maintained on a regular 

  • Dogs that are house trained or are getting training to achieve proper house training habits

  • Dogs who have the following vaccinations: Bordetella, Rabies & DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza and Parvovirus)

  • We recommend Leptospirosis


Who may NOT attend?

  • Large dogs over 70 lbs

  • Dogs needing rehabilitation will need owners to follow advice and possibly get some training first

  • Aggressive dogs that attack dog or handler is immediately removed from the pack, and no refunds are granted 

  • Insecure and scared dogs not socialized needs to follow pack leadership training advice of calm assertive energy to build dogs confidence in order to maintain membership 

  • No intact (unneutered) male dogs, unless he's a puppy

  • No pregnant females or females in heat over 8 months of age

  • No diarrhea or vomiting in the last 36 hours

  • No raw food diets

  • No excessive barking allowed and if it is persistent, will be removed and no refund given and for boarding dogs additional charges will apply

  • Dogs that jump the fence to get away should not apply

  • No backyard dogs that are not in home pets. Only house pets allowed

  • Puppies still trained on pee pads. Worst product ever to use for a dog over 3 months old


*Dogs in the "bully breed" classification (i.e. American Pit Bull Terriers, Miniature Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, American Bull Dogs, Bull Terriers or mixed breeds that have the appearance or characteristics of one of these breeds). Wolf hybrids, Malamutes, Akitas, Chow Chows, Tibetan Mastiffs, Sharpeis, Dobermans, Rottweilers are also in this classification. For the safety of all animals and associates, and at the discretion of Doggy DooLil Daycare, some pets may not be permitted.


What hours can members drop off and pick up?

Our regular open drop-off is between 7 am - 9 am, at which point we lock up the front, so we can go outside to the dog yard to do clean-up and dooties. Please do not disturb the pack in the back yard, as it will cause barking and disturb the neighbourhood. This could cause you to lose your spot in daycare. Please let us know when you are running late!


  • 6 am - 7 am Scheduled drop off (Current Members Only)

  • 7 am - 9 am Open drop off

  • 2 pm - 6 pm Open pick up

  • 5 pm - 10 pm Evening care - $15/hr (prearranged booking)


  • Late fee of $10/15 min or part there of, if not notified of late pickup

  • Members will not be charged late fee if given adequate notice, and if not abused

  • Members that don't show up on a scheduled day lose that day if no other arrangement was made



Doggy DooLil daycare will continue to implement new technologies and improve the products and services we provide, so our Policies are subject to change. We reserve the right to change or update our Notices and Policies and to modify or terminate the Site for any reason, without notice and without liability to you or any other participating third party.

As a Site user and member of Doggy DooLil daycare, you are responsible for regularly reviewing our Policies in order to remain informed of our practices and your obligations as you visit, use our Daycare and Site, and attend the daycare. Our current Policies constitute the entire agreement between you and Doggy DooLil daycare as you use our Daycare and supersedes all prior understandings or agreements, written or oral, in this regard.

Pet First Aid
Behaviorist Certification
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Doggy Daycare
Dog Daycare

7 stage Hepa filtration system against viruses, mold, etc


© 2004 by Mimi Jacobson. Proudly created with

Licensed / Insured / Certified in Dog Obedience / Animal Behavior / Pet First Aid

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